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Out of Europe: Asian, Native & World Fine Arts
Venue address
17 Llandough Trading Estate
Penarth Road
CF11 8RR
United Kingdom
Out of Europe: Asian, Native & World Fine Arts

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Buyer’s Premium 26.4% inclusive of VAT

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Payment Strictly by bank transfer only to be settled within 3 working days. We do not accept payment in person at the saleroom.

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Collection Strictly by appointment. After payment please call the office 02920 708125. No collections on auction days.

Auction dates
May 29, 2024 02:00 PM BST
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We found 4 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
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INDIAN LACQUERED DHAL, shield of circular convex form with out turned rim, having four brass lion
240 GBP
200 - 300 GBP
CEREMONIAL KUKRI, Nepal, 28cm poilished steel blade, floral embossed white metal hilt and pommel,
440 GBP
200 - 300 GBP
NORTH AFRICAN JAMBIYA, 24cm curved double edge steel blade, the waisted wood hilt with foliate
60 - 80 GBP
OTTOMAN YATAGAN, Balkans, 19th C., 61cm steel blade with a niello white metal hilt and guard, brass
440 GBP
100 - 150 GBP